Become a partner

Advertise your e-gaming business with us

cheapest online indian pharmacy for Aurogra or generic We started in 2010 as a way to help gambling companies with affordable and reliable gambling hosting on the island.

speculatively What we did not realise at the time was that we were going to build a useful resource that would help the greater e-gaming community by connecting prospects to service providers.

After all, we are technicians, we write software, build games, play with hardware, and do our best to help whoever needs our assistance.

But as it turns out, our most cherished commodity is the reach of our website and the entrepreneurs it connects us to. Over the past two years alone we have had hundreds of hours of conversations with casino operators, prospective casino operators, game developers,  service providers and regardless of who we speak to, the net result is the same. They all need good companies to help them with their casino needs.

And while we do our best to recommend good service providers, we decided to start this partner programme as a way to put our prospects directly in touch with good service providers.

How does it work?

In the right menu of our website, we have a brand new “Partner” section. In this section, we will link to your e-gaming business. These links appear on all our article pages on the website. Additionally, you will need to supply a pdf document outlining your service which will be placed in our pdf document download pages under the appropriate heading.

When we speak with prospective clients, we generally direct them to the downloads page where they can find appropriate services and information. In addition to that, we will direct them to the appropriate e-gaming page(s). From there, the prospect is free to contact you directly. Or, if we have been speaking with them through other channels, we will introduce them to you by way of your pages.

How do you get your traffic?

Our traffic comes from a number of sources. Mostly through the search engines but also through agents that we work with who require services from our other vendors. Many of our pages are used as “goto” resources and we work to ensure that our content is relevant.


Currently, we have around 40,000 search engine impressions per month which roughly translates to anything between 3000 – 6000 active users looking for gambling-related services on our website each month. In plain and simple English (since advertisers like to overinflate what their websites can do), we receive anything from 50 to 150 “highly targeted” visitors looking for e-gaming services on our website, each day.

And just to clarify our traffic, as an example, we are highly ranked in image searches for gaming terms and while these visitors will not reach our site, they will reach our contact information. In addition to image ranking, we are also reached through search feature listings which is a snippet of code in google, again, visitors may not reach us, but they will have before them the required information they were searching for and from this, we are contacted.


Search engine stats
Search engine stats


We reveive communication via WhatsApp, Skype, Telephone, Email, seach desk requests and twitter. From these channels we direct the users towards the correct content and from there to the most relevant partner.


Visitor statistics, an actual real person hitting our site and browsing the pages. These are completely unique, i.e. if someone visited our pages 100 times in a day, they would only show as a single result. Impression would be in the region of 1000 – 2000 per day since each unique visitor would read multiple pages.


The following is a snapshot of our audience from analytics.

E-Gaming advertising statistics
E-Gaming visitor statistics


We recently added our document download feature which we have added to a few key pages. In the last month, we received 138 downloads. Looking at the June stats, we should attain 170 document proposal downloads.

E-Gaming document download statistics
E-Gaming document download statistics


Other opportunities

We can offer blog posts for your company, snippets inside existing posts, inclusion on our mailing lists. etc.

Want us to sell your services?

Download our proposal, and let me know when you are ready to move forward!


  • Brendan